Monday, April 16, 2012

Leaving Tomorrow (WOO HOO!!)

I%26#39;M SO EXCITED!!! This time tomorrow we will be starting our 9 hour drive to Myrtle Beach!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!! Gonna parasail, eat so much seafood that I might pop, swim with the fishes lol, build a sandcastle with my little boy, EVERYTHING!!!!! lol Don%26#39;t mean to ramble, but I have been dyin%26#39; to say it, and I am at work and no one wants to hear it :(

Another question for everyone though, my little boy has this swimsuit with a life jacket-type thing built in. When he has it on in the pool I can completely let go of him and he floats. I know you are not allowed to have floaties, and things in the ocean unless they have a tether attached, think that would also count for this? I am afraid that since he floats so good with it, even though I will be holding him, he may get caught up in the waves and get pulled away from me. What do you think?

Leaving Tomorrow (WOO HOO!!)


Nearly lost my son when he was 3 1/2 to a rip current on Atlantic Beach just up the NC coast from Myrtle Beach. Things were cool, we were wading in waist deep water and then suddenly the water was over our heads and pulling hard. My spouse is a good swimmer and I am not, so luckily my son jumped on his back and clung for dear life. The look of sheer terror on both of their faces is one I will never forget. My husband simply could not get them out of the current and over the head water alone. Luckily someone heard us scream, and one man threw a boogie board and another group of people formed a human chain with linked arms to pull them out. The lifeguard finally made it to us AFTER we were out. Stay safer with him in the pool wearing his floatie suit, but a tether is never bad anywhere.

So that said, hope you have an excellent time there. We are hoping to go back later in the summer with our now 13 year old. Make the aquarium a must see for your child.

Leaving Tomorrow (WOO HOO!!)

Excellent advice,


Have a safe.. and wonderful time, beachbutton.

That%26#39;s what I am so afraid of. Even though we ALWAYS hold on to him, I am afraid that the suit might make it easier for him to get pulled away, I know that probably sounds crazy, but I don%26#39;t know exactly how to explain why I think that lol.

I understand what you are saying... :)

I have a four year old...he wears his life vest in and around the pool area.. and of course in the ocean...

I never take him out far tho...


Have a great trip and be sure to post a report when you get back. I understand how nobody want to hear our excitement, I%26#39;ve been rambling for over 4 months now, LOL. Have a safe trip! 26 days for us...

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